Thursday, May 31, 2007


I was reading this article (link from Cakegrrl) and I just found it disturbing. To be honest, in the picture, she does look good but after reading about the road that brought her there, it's not good at all. I couldn't imagine myself doing what she did. To be honest, there have been moments of desperation for me, where I desire with all my might to lose weight. Hell, I've even experimented with bulimia in order to avoid being 150lbs again. But within the last year, I did manage to lose about 20-25lbs and for the most part, I did keep it off. There were the occasional fluxuations of 5lbs here and there because of holidays, PMS week, etc. Now, I find myself in the same bind. It's true that dating and being in love makes you fat...*sigh*.

I am trying again to lose weight, but not as drastically as that girl is. I want to do it the right way and I know I'm capable of doing so. All it is, is calories in, calories out. As long as I have the right kind of mentality, and the right kind of attitude, I can still bake roll my cake sushi, and eat it too.

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